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Posted on February 25 2023

2022 marked the highest year for work permits in Canada's history

By  Editor
Updated October 26 2023

Highlights: Most number of work permits in Canada in 2022

  • Canada issued a record number of work permits in 2022.
  • Canada issued more than 608,000 work permits for international professionals.
  • It issued an additional 200,000 work permits compared to 2021.
  • Most of the international professionals arrived in Canada through the pathways of IMP or TFWP.
  • Both pathways facilitate temporary foreign workers to work and stay in Canada.

*Check your eligibility to Canada through Canada Immigration Points Calculator.

Abstract: Canada issued the most number of work permits in 2022.

Canada issued a record number of work permits to skilled international professionals in 2022. It has been the highest number of work permits issued in the past few years.

In 2022, Canada issued 608,420 work permits. The figure for the work permit of 2022 is approximately 200,000 more than the number of work permits issued in 2021.

*Wish to work in Canada? Y-Axis is here to offer you assistance.

Record Number of Work Permits in Canada in 2022

A detailed comparison between the work permits issued is given in the table below:

Work Permits Issued in Canada
Year Number of Work Permits Issued
2022 608,420
2021 414,000
2020 404,369
2019 405,107

The work permits of Canada are issued under 2 work permit pathways. They are:

  • IMP or International Mobility Program
  • TFWP or Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Approximately 77% of international professionals arrived in Canada through the IMP last year. In 2022, Canada issued 472,070 work permits through the IMP.

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Differences between the TFWP and the IMP

The TFWP pathway permits employers in Canada to issue work permits to temporary foreign workers, to address the shortages in the workforce in Canada. The primary difference between the IMP and the TFWP is the requirement for an LMIA or Labor Market Impact Assessment report. LMIA is used to evaluate the impact of the recruitment of international professionals on the Canadian workforce.

LMIAs are required to issue work permits for the candidates in the TFWP. With the LMIA report, work permits are issued to the candidates in the TFWP are "employer-specific/LMIA-oriented ."'

In contrast, the work permits issued under the IMP are open work permits. The IMP helps in promoting Canada's economy and other objectives. It includes various programs such as:

  • GTS or Global Talent Stream
  • IEC or International Experience Canada
  • Significant Benefit work permit program

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Highly Skilled Foreign Workers can get Canada LMIA processed in 10 business days

IEC program of Canada is accepting applications for 2023 pool. Apply now!

Which IMP streams had the most permits issued?

The following streams of the IMP had the most number of work permits issued in 2022:

Streams with the Highest Number of Work Permits in the IMP
Stream Work Permit issued (in percentage)
Medical residents and fellows, and post-graduate employment applicants 36
Charitable or religious workers 29
Other IMP participants 8
Spouses of skilled workers 5
Post-doctoral PhD fellows and award recipients 4
Intra-company transfers 2
The International Experience Canada (IEC) program 2

IRCC had relaxed the eligibility requirements and accreditation measures for international medical professionals. The measures are implemented to address the workforce shortages in the medical sector of Canada.

Canada is granting open work permit for spouses/partners of skilled international professionals. An increased intake has also been announced for the IEC.

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Changes in eligibility for Open Work Permit of Canada for spouse and children from Jan 30, 2023

Which TFWP streams had the most permits issued?

The following streams of the TFWP had the most number of work permits issued in 2022:

Streams with the Highest Number of Work Permits in the TFWP
Stream Work Permit issued (in percentage)
Agriculture workers 51
Other temporary foreign workers with an LMIA 46
Live-in caregivers 2
Caregivers 0.2

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Canada cuts 50% work experience requirements of PR Visa for Caregivers. Apply now!

Provinces with the Highest Number of Work Permits in 2022

The details of work permits issued by various provinces and territories of Canada are given in the table below:

Work Permits Issued by Canadian Provinces/Territories
Provinces/Territories Number of Work Permit
Ontario 2,21,280
British Columbia 1,02,845
Quebec 89,765
Alberta 43,550
Manitoba 19,765
Nova Scotia 12,645
Saskatchewan 10,550
New Brunswick 9,640
Newfoundland and Labrador 4,210
Prince Edward Island 3,840
Northwest Territories 260
Nunavut 60

*Want to work in Canada? Contact Y-Axis, the leading Work Overseas Consultant of Australia.

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Work in Canada

Work permit in Canada


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